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Project ID: 072479822

English (EN)English (EN) German, Switzerland (DE-SW)German, Switzerland (DE-SW)

Subject Field: Other

Service:  Standard Translation

Due Date:  Jul 3, 2020, 7:00 AM

Created:  Jul 2, 2020, 11:48 AM

Job Description:

Please use a casual/friendly and informal tone in both the German and French languages. For French, please use tu instead of vous where appropriate. For German, please use du/dir instead of Sie. For example, we prefer the sentence Hi, wir möchten dir ein paar Fragen über Zigaretten Marken stellen instead of Hallo, wir möchten Sie ein paar Fragen über Zigaretten Marken stellen. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Sorry this job has been taken by another translator.

51 Words
Please provide your best translation because your work will be rated. Poor translation quality will affect your ability to translate with Stepes.
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