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Project ID: 668272556

Spanish (ES)Spanish (ES) English (EN)English (EN)

Subject Field: Legal

Service:  Legal Translation

Due Date:  Apr 10, 2020, 12:42 PM

Created:  Mar 31, 2020, 11:00 AM

Job Description:

This file is a list of country-specific definitions for various words and phrases. Each is associated with a specific indicator (rows in the file to be translated). Each term is defined differently for each country; definitions for each country are provided in columns (e.g., Guatemala definitions in column B, El Salvador definitions in column C, etc.). These terms were first listed in English, then Stepes translated them for us so that our colleagues in Latin America could create the definitions in Spanish. Now we need to translate the definitions back to English. The original list of English words and phrases to be defined is in the reference file. English terms are in the English tab, and Spanish terms are in the Spanish tab. Both tabs have the list of terms in column A and the corresponding indicators in which the term is found in column B. Column B in the reference file will align with column A (Indicator Number) in the file to be translated. So, for example, in the file to be translated, you will see in row 2 (associated with Indicator Number 1), each cell has definitions for two terms: "Un incidente registrado" and "Marca del estatus de la denuncia". By looking at the English tab in the reference file, you will see that the two English terms associated with Indicator Number 1 are "Registered incident" and "Status determination tags". So "Un incidente registrado" should be translated "Registered incident", and "Marca del estatus de la denuncia" should be translated "Status determination tags". The definitions, however, differ in each cell because each is specific to a different country (Guatemala, El Salvador, DR, Bolivia). Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this. Thanks!

Sorry this job has been taken by another translator.

18,573 Words
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