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Project ID: 451936033

Vietnamese (VI)Vietnamese (VI) English (EN)English (EN)

Subject Field: Legal

Service:  Legal Translation

Due Date:  Apr 20, 2019, 7:26 AM

Created:  Apr 20, 2019, 3:26 AM

Job Description:

In case of hard to see hand-writing, the mother name is "Phan Thị Thúy" , the father name is "Nguyễn Viết Công" , and the permanent address is "Tư Chi - Tân Chi" For both parents occupation, "Làm Ruộng" can be translated as "Farmer". Also, will be needing a page with "certification of translation" for legal purposes.

Sorry this job has been taken by another translator.

176 Words
Please provide your best translation because your work will be rated. Poor translation quality will affect your ability to translate with Stepes.
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