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Project ID: 5039539874

English (EN)English (EN) French, Canadian (CF)French, Canadian (CF)

Subject Field: Construction & Civil Engineering

Service:  Standard Translation

Due Date:  Jun 18, 2024, 4:56 AM

Created:  Jun 17, 2024, 2:56 PM

Job Description:

Caulk guns are devices that help people use caulk, a type of sealant, effectively. Caulk is a substance used to seal and adhere, such as closing a gap or crack between a window frame and jamb, or a sink and a vanity. Most any space can be sealed using caulk and a caulk gun links below: skeleton type gun: https://primelinetools.ca/9-skeleton-type-caulking-gun.html?___redir=en Contractor grade: https://primelinetools.com/9-contractor-grade-caulking-gun.html

Sorry this job has been taken by another translator.

8 Words
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