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Project ID: 647279101

English (EN)English (EN) Spanish (ES)Spanish (ES)

Subject Field: Other

Service:  Standard Translation

Due Date:  Jul 26, 2024, 1:21 AM

Created:  Jul 24, 2024, 7:45 PM

Job Description:

This is a script for voiceover artists to create a Spanish soundtrack. It's conversational, so doesn't need to be grammatically correct. It's between a female high school student and male adult school staff. Some of the words don't need to be literal, such as when she says "heavy," meaning that's emotional information. No need to do the text in red. Please keep the time stamps. Respond with any questions.

Sorry this job has been taken by another translator.

1,501 Words
Please provide your best translation because your work will be rated. Poor translation quality will affect your ability to translate with Stepes.
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