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Project ID: 684564452

Japanese (JA)Japanese (JA) English (EN)English (EN)

Subject Field: Literature

Service:  Standard Translation

Due Date:  Jan 26, 2020, 6:06 PM

Created:  Jan 26, 2020, 2:54 PM

Job Description:

The text provided pertains to an intricate description of character lore from the video game “Magia Record”. These are seemingly written in a sort of formal literary style, as indicated by previous translations of other lore texts of this nature that I have attached as image examples. Please try to stay consistent with this style of writing. In essence, the text describes the fictional character’s alternate form, known as a “Doppel,” which is an incarnation of the character's underlying flaws and instabilities . It directly denotes what ails them mentally, and gives a literal form to those negative aspects of their character. This is the character who’s Doppel text I have requested a translation for: https://magireco.fandom.com/wiki/Livia_Medeiros I hope this background info helps. If you wish to provide translation notes for any part of the given passage, then that would be welcome. Thank you!

Sorry this job has been taken by another translator.

234 Words
Please provide your best translation because your work will be rated. Poor translation quality will affect your ability to translate with Stepes.
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