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Project ID: 130053003

English (EN)English (EN) French (FR)French (FR)

Subject Field: Software

Service:  Standard Translation

Due Date:  Nov 8, 2019, 9:48 AM

Created:  Nov 8, 2019, 6:36 AM

Job Description:

Please also see the reference file for layout reference. You don't have to recreate the layout though, but it might be helpful for you to see where the text phrases and buttons actually are and how they look like. My basic understanding of French will allow me to put the text phrases of the plain text at the right positions into the right format in post. So you don't have to make any labeling or numbering. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks.

Sorry this job has been taken by another translator.

252 Words
Please provide your best translation because your work will be rated. Poor translation quality will affect your ability to translate with Stepes.
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